Marie Claire Olondriz De Chavez – Overcoming Fibromyalgia Thru Art

Getting hospitalized for fibromyaglia motivated Marie Claire to make art again.  She began filling her sketchpad with scribbles to take her mind off the pain all over her body.  Feeling calmed by scribbling, she pursued the development of this technique in her paintings.  She began applying it to her works by meticulously drawing continuous circular lines in various colors that contrast backgrounds and give off an overall textured finish to her paintings.  Using scribbles as her signature technique, which she called Olondrizism, lent playfulness included impressionism, expressionism, and abstractionism.


Interested in Marie Claire’s Artwork? Drop her a message!

Human relationships were the subject of Marie Claire’s paintings.  Despite the absence of a stable environment growing up, she found strength in the love and joy given by her relatives and friends who cared for her.  This experience drew her to portray life and relationships in her figures, especially women doing daily activities, children, and mothers rearing their children.  Just as she featured human relationships in her paintings, she hoped to connect with people and evoke their emotions by reminding them of their relationships or by being able to find solace in her artworks.

She is a Fibromyaglia warrior, Art is her therapy, God blessed her a talent that helps her everyday to cope with pain, to continue life with colors, and to win battling her health condition.

she has participated in group exhibits since 2017, and had her first solo last January 2019, received various awards in Arts and Photography.  ARTipolo member since July 2017.




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