Tag: World Egg Day

World’s Strangest Celebrations: Celebrate good times, c’mon!

There are a couple things in this world that could be considered “universal experiences”, or a certain happening that nearly everyone has expressed having experienced before. One of those things is celebration. Around the world, different cultures and demographics each have their own aspects that they celebrate, from inanimate objects, to whole events based around commemorations. Here are the top 5 most unusual but charmingly unique celebrations done around the world: 5. World Egg Day According to the International Egg Commission, which is an interesting fact to know that a commission such as this exists in the first place, World Egg Day is officially on every second Friday of October.  Given how nutritious, relatively affordable, and overall versatile eggs can be, it is no surprise that they are celebrated around the world. The Commission’s official website actually suggests ways on how to participate in the event; whether through a “[…] social media campaign, or organizing an awards programme […]” anyone can join in on the celebrations. See more on their official website: https://www.internationalegg.com/our-work/world-egg-day/ 4. La Pourcailhade In a similar vein, on every second Sunday in August, residents of Hautes-Pyrénés, Frances ban together to go Ham over their celebration on this day called La Pourchailhade. During this festival, the star of the show happens to be the Trie Sur Baïse pig market’s specialty of roast pork. One whole day, raising awareness about the declining pig-farming industry in the area. This particular celebration is done through decorative pig-themed paraphernalia, including corkscrews and general decorations in most shop windows. Pig races are held during this event as well; even the black-pudding-eating competition tends to turn a few heads. However, there is one event that truly cements its status as an “unusual” celebration. This is their Cri do Cochon, or their Pig Squealing Championships. Here, participants take turns imitating and living through the life cycle of a pig. 3. Underwater Music Festival It has been 25 years since its initial conception and eventual execution, and Bill Becker, the founder, coordinator, and music director of the Underwater Music Festival, does not seem like he will be stopping any time soon. Located in Big Pine Key, Florida, it provides an avenue for both music lovers and diving enthusiasts to meet and mingle in an intriguing mix of music and freewater diving. In this festival, participants are given the opportunity to groove to the beats of pre-recorded ocean-themed songs while underwater. People who have attended events have reported that their experience of listening to music underwater has been described as “ethereal,” so it’s definitely something worth checking out.   2. La tomatina Also happening around the month of August, specifically on the last Wednesday of that week, is the wildest food fight you could ever experience while not on the set of a high school coming-of-age movie.  In the town of Buñol, in the country of Spain, festival goers will be able to let loose and pelt other fellow festival participants with thousands upon thousands of tomatoes during the festival. After Noon, trucks will bring a large number of tomatoes into the city for an hour-long-nonstop food fight. Afterwhich, once the ceasefire has been announced, fire trucks will enter the city to hose down the streets and walls of most buildings. Festival goers should then opt for nearby wells or kind shop goers to hose them down. This whole event truly is not meant for those with a weak heart, but rather those who crave adventure and wante some extra excitement in their lives. 1. Naki Sumo Cry Baby Festival While festivals are known as times where joy and loud noises are encouraged, surely the top of the list would be the one where there would be the most noise. However, rather than the noise of laughter, what one would hear during this festival would be the sound of children crying. The main event is held in Sensoji, Asakusa, but there are also instances of this festival being celebrated in other parts of Japan. Initially, it may sound weird to have a festival wherein people’s goals would be to make their children cry, it’s a belief in Japan that babies who cry hard will grow up strong and healthy, as well as to drive away evil spirits.

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Egg-cited? Yes, It’s World Egg Day

It’s not bad luck today if you have eggs in a tray. The world is absolutely excited as Friday nears, not because it’s Friday the 13th, but because it’s the celebration of World Egg Day. The International Egg Commission, a worldwide group working to improve the egg industry, declared October 12 as World Egg Day in 1996 in Vienna to highlight the role that eggs play in human nutrition, food security, and general well-being.  Every second Friday of October is designated for World Egg Day, a time for people of all backgrounds to come together in recognition of the invaluable role eggs play in the well-being of people everywhere. As we celebrate World Egg Day this year, let’s remember that “Eggs for a healthy future” is this year’s theme. “The egg is one of the most environmentally sustainable and cost-effective animal-source proteins available. We hope that this year’s theme will encourage everyone, no matter your location, market, or specialism, to celebrate the unique power of the egg,” the International Egg Commission said in a statement. With World Egg Day, we can spread the word that eggs are a cheap and nutritious food option for people of all income levels.   The benefits of eggs Each egg contains six grams of protein, including all nine “essential” amino acids, a report said. That’s crucial, as those are the nutrients your body lacks the ability to produce on its own. About half of the egg’s total protein and almost none of its fat or cholesterol are found in the egg white. This means that eggs have more vitamins, minerals, and amino acids per calorie than almost any other food. Consume an egg, and you will acquire: High-quality protein Selenium Phosphorus Choline Vitamin B12 Multiple antioxidants, which help keep your cells healthy   Egg has ‘good cholesterol’ People who consume three or more eggs daily appear to increase their levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol. The “bad” LDL increases as well. However, the constituent parts of each grow in size. That makes it more challenging for negative materials inside your body to harm you and simpler for the positive stuff to purge it.   Eggs lower triglycerides Along with high- and low-density lipoprotein, your doctor checks for triglycerides. Having lower triglyceride levels is beneficial to health. You can reduce your blood pressure by eating eggs, especially eggs that have been fortified with healthy fats (such as omega-3s). Approximately 70 calories per egg provides transparent nutrition information. Furthermore, they are convenient to bring along on trips. Put a couple in the cooler once you’ve given them a hard boil. Toss in a salad and some bread, and you have a nutritious lunch in no time.   Filipinos love eggs Filipinos are undoubtedly egg lovers. Not only has eggs become a staple food for Filipinos, but it has also been a crucial part of the country’s rich gastronomic culture. Aside from World Egg Day, the country also commemorates another egg celebration called the “Balut Festival.” Balut is a fertilized duck egg sold in the streets – a significant custom that keeps Filipino culture alive and vibrant. This is an observance celebrated in Pateros every April of the year.  

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