Why Gen Z need to know Tesla the inventor, not the car


If someone mentions Tesla to a young guy, probably the first thing that comes to mind is the electric car company and its eccentric billionaire owner Elon Musk. 

Unfortunately, for kids born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s and have grown up in a world that is increasingly reliant on technology, what’s next is more important than who was. 

From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and automation, technology has become an integral part of Gen Z’s daily lives. However, it’s important for this generation to understand the history of technology and the pioneers who paved the way for the innovations we take for granted today. 

One such pioneer is Nikola Tesla.

Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer who made numerous contributions to the field of electrical engineering. He’s best known for his work on alternating current (AC) electrical systems, which revolutionized the way electricity is distributed and used. 

Tesla’s inventions and innovations laid the groundwork for many of the technologies that we rely on today, including electric motors, radios, and even wireless communication.

So why is it important for Gen Z to know who Tesla is? 

For starters, understanding the history of technology can help us appreciate the innovations that we use every day. It can also help us understand how these technologies work and how they came to be. 

Knowing about Tesla’s contributions to the field of electrical engineering can also inspire future generations of innovators to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields.

In addition to his scientific contributions, Tesla was also known for his eccentric personality and his unusual habits. For example, he claimed to have had a photographic memory and was known for his ability to perform complex mathematical calculations in his head. 

He was also a proponent of vegetarianism and believed that certain foods had the power to cure diseases.

Learning about Tesla’s life and work can help Gen Z develop a deeper understanding of the ways in which science and culture intersect. It can also help them appreciate the role that individual inventors and innovators can play in shaping the course of history.

Finally, understanding the legacy of Tesla can help Gen Z become more informed citizens. Tesla’s work on alternating current, for example, played a crucial role in the “War of Currents” between AC and direct current (DC) electrical systems. Understanding the historical context behind this conflict can help us better understand the role that technology plays in politics and economics.

While a typical Gen Z has grown up in a world that is increasingly reliant on technology, it’s important for them to understand the history of technology and the pioneers who helped make it possible. 

Nikola Tesla is one such pioneer whose contributions to the field of electrical engineering have had a profound impact on the world we live in today. By learning about Tesla’s life and work, the new generation can gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which science and culture intersect, and become more informed citizens in the process.