Trending Because of WHAT?! The Truths About BTS, Blackpink and SB19 Fandoms Revealed!


The Truths About BTS, Blackpink and SB19 Fandoms Revealed!

Blueprint.PH analyzed the top most trending music groups among Facebook users. Blackpink earns the top spot as the music artist group with the most engagements in the Philippines. This result is not a surprise, thanks to the girls’ highly active and engaged fandom, the Blinks. From their comeback album, appearance in the VMA Awards, Instagram posts, to upbeat songs, and to extracurricular activities like fashion show attendance, Hollywood movie cameos and whatnot, Blinks‘ support towards their girls are undeniable.

Bangtan Sonyeondan, known as the worldwide sensation BTS, ranks as the second most talked about artist group in the country. ARMYs, the boys’ ever-devoted fandom, are responsible for this feat. Whether it be supporting the group’s advocacies, streaming and charting their songs, or hyping up every update, post/tweet and any group or individual endeavor, you can count on these Adorable Representatives to give their boys the attention, praise and glory they deserve.

The third spot among the most trending artist groups here is occupied by the F-Pop boy group, SB19. Despite the highly familiar K-pop touch in their themes and routines, the boys have still effectively established their Filipino identity in each of their performances, making them both intriguing and attractive to people. Like the two above mentioned groups, this one also has a solid fanbase, the A’tins. The fandom never fails to promote their boys and chart their songs – and, consequently, by doing so, they are also able to promote our country along.

These three artist groups and their fandoms are highly influential in the Philippine setting. What could be the secret to their power, you might ask? Four letters: S-A-N-E. Take a look at the factors that make the achievements of each pair so in-SANE to see!

Pop Culture: Trending Because of WHAT?! The Truths About BTS, Blackpink and SB19 Fandoms Revealed!

Strategy. Each of these fandoms got their own strategies in bringing their faves to the top. Blinks and ARMYs are monster streamers while A’tins ride along to trends by using various hashtags, in favor of their idols.

Activity. The said fandoms make up the most creative activities to promote their beloved groups. ARMYs start their own fun and unique streaming parties. Blinks do giveaways to encourage fellow fans to stream. A’tins target local radio stations for airplay.

Number. “There is strength in numbers,” they say. Indeed, the three fandoms above all have huge populations and they do make the most out of it. Whether to intimidate or out-stream, out-sell and out-trend others, these fandoms’ numbers do pull in wonders for the artists.

Enthusiasm. All three fandoms are ever enthusiastic in supporting the group they admire. These fans would willingly do anything and give their best at it for the sake of their favorite artists – a simple like, share, retweet, streaming, even more.

This acronym is the secret behind the power of the three artist-fan tandems. The impeccable teamwork between them paved the way for their record-breaking achievements and vast influence not only towards the music scene, but also towards the general public. 

Are you also part of these powers or do you belong to the flourishing ones like MOAs, Engenes, Midzys, etc.? Interact with your co-fans and represent your fandom down below!



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