Sen. Robin Bill Reverts Devolved Agricultural Functions to National Government

With problems such as lack of funding and political interference keeping local government units from discharging basic agricultural functions, Sen. Robinhood “Robin” C. Padilla has filed a bill reverting such functions to the national government.

Padilla on Monday filed Senate Bill 2904, which amends Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code to ensure food security, poverty alleviation and social equity.

“Under the Local Government Code of 1991, agricultural support, extension and on-site research services and facilities were devolved to the LGUs. Years after the enactment of the LGC, studies from the agriculture and economy experts… revealed issues such as lack of funds and varying needs at the local government levels, resulting in varying standards for agricultural productivity and inconsistent implementation of agricultural policies and programs,” Padilla said in his bill.

He said a 2020 study by University of the Philippines Los Banos Prof. Dario Cidro noted several problems in the devolution of agricultural extension:

  • inability to discharge functions of extension workers probably due to lack of funding
  • partisan politics and political interference
  • in some cases, lack of support from local chief executives

“Cognizant of the issues that have plagued the agriculture sector for so long, Senate President Sen. Francis ‘Chiz’ Escudero renewed his interest to push for the renationalization of agricultural services and facilities,” Padilla said.

The bill amends the Local Government Code to remove agricultural support services from the barangay; and extension and on-site research services from the municipality and provincial levels.

It reverts the devolved agricultural services and facilities to the national government through the Department of Agriculture, including agricultural support services, extension and on-site research services.\

“All personnel, technicians, facilities and properties previously transferred to the barangay, municipalities, provinces and cities shall be transferred back to the National Government,” it said.

Meanwhile, the National Agricultural and Fishery Council, in consultation with concerned sectors, shall identify the problems of the industry and recommend measures to enhance agricultural productivity.



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