Things I wish I knew in my 20s

People who just turned 30 or 40 year-old started to reminisce and evaluate life in their 20s and got sentimental. Some made mistakes, learned new things and stuff in their bucket list, and some even changed their life differently.

Traveling time backwards, do you have any thoughts and advice you want to tell your 20-year-old self? Anything you wish you knew when you were young? I do have!


I wish I knew how to be young and travel. When you’re in your 20s, you have the energy and time to experience the world on the cheap. If I have some advice for my 20s self, I will encourage myself to travel and explore life to the fullest!

Just “Travel to…..”

  1. eat fine food at various restaurants
  2. Go to abroad
  3. explore to different provinces like Dora
  4. discover new places and hidden gems in the Philippines
  5. places you’ve never seen before
  6. meet new people
  7. see different crafts and arts
  8. build relationships
  9. Learn and enjoy life

Value time

I wish I knew how to value time and the people I’m with. I wish I knew how to appreciate those people beside me and the precious time I have with them. I didn’t know that time flies really fast–literally.

So, don’t waste time on people who don’t treat you right. Spend time on people who appreciate and love you, even through your ups and downs. Value other people’s precious time and energy.

  1. Go to school/work on time
  2. Attend to meetings early
  3. Be on time whenever you go to dates and other affairs
  4. Spend quality time with families and friends
  5. Spend time with yourself

Build things

I wish I knew how critical building your desires is when you’re younger. Knowing what your passion is and pursuing it to achieve your dreams.

Stop comparing your life to others and start figuring out your own view of the world. Take risks, build things, make mistakes, leave, and be responsible in making decisions. Start building what your heart desires.

Accept failures

I wish I knew how to accept defeat and failures. I thought failing is a sign of weakness. Instead, failing is not always failure. It’s not a bad thing after all.

So, fail and learn a lesson. If you don’t learn something from those failures, then all you’ve done is failed. Learn and fail, fail and learn to grow. Accept failures wholeheartedly.

  1. Fail while playing games
  2. Fail at love
  3. Fail at school
  4. Fail at making friends
  5. Fail with family

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to fail every time, you just get better when you fail.

Be patient in waiting

I wish I knew how to wait patiently rather than rush things out of control. I wish I knew how important it is to be patient and not to be impulsive.

So, dear self, be patient in waiting. No one started successfully. You will experience ups and downs, pains and gains, tears and joys, but it’ll be worth it in time, in His own time. Those who wait will be rewarded genuinely.

Appreciate people around you

I wish I knew that I don’t need a lot of friends to be happy. Instead, I need amazing people who will be by my side through my ups and downs, people who genuinely love me for who I am and not for what I have. It’s better to have few true friends by your side.

Celebrate success

I wish I knew not to be too serious about being successful. I also have to celebrate it and the life I got. Success can be achieved even in your 20s, but you also have to cherish the process. Success cannot be achieved overnight, it takes time, it takes a lot of pains and heartbreaks but it’s all worth it in the end.

I wish I knew how to appreciate life in my 20s and not waste my time and energy with non-essential things. But it’s okay, we all have our different paths and ways to move forward, what’s important is we never stop learning and growing. Never loose the desire and hope in you. Never stop believing that you can and you will.



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