Ten Thousand Days on Mars part 2

As astronomer Percival Lowell peered at a red spot with his telescope at the turn of the 19 th century, what he saw next blew his mind. He thought he saw what appears to be signs of an advanced civilization on Mars. He studied Mars extensively and was convinced that aliens build canals to bring water from the polar ice caps to the equator.

The first of this two-part series can be viewed here:

Let’s take a trip to the future~


Aug 18 2031

More 3d printer robots are brought in and build larger aquaponic facilities. Fishes are also brought in since there are enough water to hold them.

Photo: finsmes.com

Vertical farms are built to produce more food. Mars rocks and soil samples are sent to Elon Musk’s Boring company for study.

Sept 24 2033

A fleet of starship in low earth orbit are ready for the launch window. They are able to dock with each other in the seven-month journey. Other countries send astronauts and scientist to Mars Alpha base. Jeff Bezos registers the domain name amazon.mars and start its interplanetary delivery service. The first Mars funeral is held and the ashes are scattered on the Martian surface.

November 17 2035

This is the time of the Great Crossing. It is called the perihelic opposition and Earth and Mars are nearer than usual. The trip is shortened from seven months to five months.

More 3d printer robots are brought to build settlements at an industrial scale to keep up with the growing population. Mars Alpha is now an international base that has grown into a small town with interconnected domes with a hospital.

Feb 10 2038

The population grew to more than 1000 and the Boring company explore caves for habitation. The first wedding is held and covered by a small local TV show.

April 20 2040

Heavy equipment from the Boring company lands and build shielded underground passage ways. More and more people settled further away from the Mars Alpha base. Many nation states establish their embassies and erect building reflecting their culture.

The first humans are born on Mars. Both the baby and the mother’s health are closely monitored.

June 19 2042

As the population reaches the seven thousand mark, the first Martian political system is establish. Its goal is to make Mars self-sustaining. The celebration is held at the first Martian restaurant serving bio-printed meat.

Immigramts now pay commercial travels to Mars upon the condition they will contribute to the Martian society.

August 17 2044

Mars Alpha base now has bio-printers that can manufacture replacement organs. A new maternity ward is built to served Mars’ growing population. The new fusion reactors go online and reduces the need for solar panels.

October16 2046

This is the year of the Martian explorers. Olympus Mons is the tallest mountain and volcano in the solar system. Explorers climb over 22 km to reach its peak. This also tested the new space suit to its max.

Photo: Nsa.gov


Mars pharmaceutical factories produce shots for vaccination. A school is founded as more people come to Mars to live and work.

December 14 2048

Photo: frontiersin.com

The Blue Origin mining ship parks itself in an orbit above Mars. Material mined in asteroids, are refine in space before sending it to Mars, so its atmosphere is not polluted. The first Gigafactory is built. and use the materials coming from Blue Origin.

Feb 12 2051

This is the year of the second great crossing and the second mass movement of people to Mars. It is possible because of the perihelic opposition where Earth and Mars are nearer than usual.

Photo: zmescience.com

Many government officials visit the red planet for diplomacy. Several companies establish offices on Mars making them the first interplanetary businesses.  Mars is largely self sufficient in terms of primary needs like air, water and food. But advance technologies like electronics are still imported from the Earth.

April 2 2053

This year marks 10,000 days of human presence on Mars. The population has grown to over 300,000. Forests, lakes and grassland furnish inside its transparent domes contributing oxygen to the Martian atmosphere. Grass and other plants start to grow outside the human habitat.

Photo: nasa.gov

Mars born human visit earth for the first time. Growing up in low gravity, a robotic assist suit with neural link is worn. The Martians has arrived and it’s not aliens, it’s us!



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