Category: Capstone-Intel’s Press Release

Perception and Attitude of Filipinos on Hiring Unlicensed Nurses in the Healthcare System

The issue of inadequate remuneration for nurses is a pressing concern in the Philippines. The Department of Health (DOH) has recently taken steps to address the situation, stating their intention to recruit numerous unlicensed nurses to fulfill vacancies in public hospitals. The department has specified that individuals who have taken the board exam and scored between 70 percent and 74.9 percent but failed to pass it may be granted temporary licenses. This move comes amid an urgent need to fill 4,500 vacant nursing positions across the country. Capstone-Intel Corporation conducted a nationwide survey to address this pressing issue. This study utilized an online panel data survey methodology, which was conducted from August 1, 2023 to August 10, 2023 and sent to a total of 20,381 data-panel respondents. Out of the total number of respondents, 1,205 completed the survey. Prior to participating in the survey, the respondents underwent a rigorous screening process to ensure their suitability for the study. The questionnaire was meticulously designed to be completed within a time frame of 15 minutes and consisted of a maximum of three questions. Capstone-Intel is confident that the survey results offer valuable insights into the opinions surrounding the authorization of unlicensed nursing graduates to operate under supervision. The sample size of 1,205 respondents guarantees an exceptional level of accuracy, with a margin of error of ±3 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. It is essential to note that sub-national estimates for different regions have varying margins of error, ranging from ±6 percent for Metro Manila, balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Capstone-Intel takes immense pride in presenting these findings as an impartial and nonpartisan contribution to the ongoing discourse on permitting unlicensed nursing graduates to work in supervised positions in the Philippines. There are ongoing discussions about allowing nursing graduates who still need to pass the licensure exam to work in healthcare settings under the supervision of licensed nurses in positions such as “nursing assistants.” This policy is a potential way to address healthcare personnel shortages. Recently, the Department of Health proposed creating a “nursing assistant” position with a Salary Grade of 9 for unlicensed nurses. However, some are concerned about whether nursing graduates without licenses can provide quality care. Opponents argue that the licensure exam helps ensure that nurses are qualified. There are also concerns about possibly overburdening licensed nurses tasked with supervision. On the other hand, according to the expert opinion of Dr. Guido David, the esteemed Chief Data Scientist at Capstone-Intel, the recruitment of aspiring nurses in healthcare establishments prior to their licensure examination can significantly enhance their likelihood of successfully clearing the board examination. “Working in [a] healthcare setting would help improve their chances of passing the board exam,” David said. This study aims: To know the public’s perception of whether or not unlicensed nursing graduates can help provide quality care, To know the public’s opinion on whether or not this policy could improve their chances of passing the exam, To determine if the public thinks that allowing unlicensed nurses to assist in the healthcare system can help them increase their chances of passing the board exam. Methodology This study is a panel-data survey conducted online. The survey was distributed to 20,381 data-panel respondents and 1,205 completed the survey. Respondents from data panel surveys are real internet users who go through quality and reliability checks and are selected through a dynamic sampling method. Panel surveys are used for a quicker turn-around, using up-to-date AI and security technologies without neglecting the rigor of traditional research. Results of the survey This section shows the results of the survey. The questions are shown, followed by the table showing the results. The data is presented in percentages and the responses are distributed in the National Capital Region, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The questions are shown both in English and Filipino languages. Do you believe nursing graduates who have not taken or passed the board exam can help provide quality healthcare services? “Q31. Sa tingin mo ba, makatutulong magbigay ng de-kalidad na serbisyo sa pangangalaga ng kalusugan ang mga nakapagtapos na nars na hindi pa nakakuha o nakapasa sa board exam?”    Table 1. Whether or not respondents agree that unlicensed nurses can provide quality health care services Base = Total Respondents   PH Area NCR BL VIS Min Yes 69 71 67 68 70 No 16 16 18 14 14 Not sure 15 13 14 18 16 NCR= National Capital Region, BL=Balance Luzon, VIS=Visayas, Min=Mindanao The survey results indicate that 69 percent of respondents believe that unlicensed nurses can provide quality healthcare services. This perception was consistent across the National Capital Region, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Only 16 percent perceived that unlicensed graduates could provide quality care, while 15 percent were unsure (Table 1). In your opinion, should nursing graduates who have not taken or passed the board exam be allowed to work in healthcare settings under the supervision of a licensed nurse? “Q32. Sa iyong opinyon, dapat ba na bigyan ng pagkakataon na magtrabaho sa healthcare settings sa ilalim ng pangangasiwa ng isang lisensiyadong nars ang mga nakapagtapos na nars na hindi pa nakakuha o nakapasa sa board exam?”     Table 2. Whether or not unlicensed nurses be allowed to work in healthcare settings under the supervision of a licensed nurse Base = Total Respondents   PH Area NCR BL VIS Min Yes 83 83 82 82 86 No 13 15 13 15 9 Not sure 4 2 5 3 5 NCR= National Capital Region, BL=Balance Luzon, VIS=Visayas, Min=Mindanao   The survey results show that 83 percent of respondents believe that unlicensed nurses should be allowed to work in healthcare settings under the supervision of a licensed nurse. This view was consistent across the National Capital Region, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Only 13 percent felt unlicensed graduates should only be allowed to work after passing the board exam. Four percent were still determining whether unlicensed graduates should be given work opportunities. This data indicates that most

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Study Finds Internet Conversations about ‘Maharlika Fund’ Lower Compared to Other Countries’ Sovereign Investment Funds – Capstone-Intel

In the aftermath of the establishment of the Maharlika Investment Fund by the Philippine government, Capstone-Intel Corporation conducted an extensive analysis of public online forums, spanning the period from June 30, 2023, to July 31, 2023, with the aim of examining how other sovereign investment funds are being discussed. Capstone-Intel is a high-impact research company that uses innovative research technologies, tools, and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to helping its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputations, navigate risks, manage crises, and be the country’s leading private research and intelligence agency. A sovereign investment fund manages surplus revenues, supports economic development, diversification, and budget stability, providing the financial security of a country. “The study aimed to compare the online news coverage of Maharlika with similar countries such as China, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan. Maharlika’s news performance was relatively low at 16.9 percent, whereas China and Malaysia displayed 55.2 percent and 47.7 percent news performance, respectively,” according to Capstone-Intel. Maharlika Investment Fund has been mentioned online through various platforms, with the Web gaining 35 percent of the total mentions. The news follows closely behind with 16.9 percent of the total mentions, while videos make up 16.8 percent of the total mentions. The platform X has 8.5 percent, and forums contribute 7.8 percent. In terms of online mentions of China Investment Corporation, it has been determined that News platforms represent 55.2 percent of the total mentions. Twitter comes in second with a total of 23.8 percent, followed by the Web with 10.5 percent. The analysis of Khazanah Nasional’s online presence in Malaysia is based on quantifiable data relating to the number of mentions across various platforms. The data revealed that News represents 47.7 percent of the total mentions. Twitter accounts for 12.8 percent of the total mentions, while the Web represents 11.1 percent. The Korea Investment Corporation of South Korea has received mentions across various platforms, with mentions in the News category at 53.1 percent while the Web category followed with 28.1 percent of the total mentions. Finally, online mentions of Japan Investment Corporation were determined to be from News sources, accounting for 66.7 percent of the total mentions. The next source of mentions was the Web, with 19.0 percent of the total mentions.   To access the comprehensive analysis, kindly refer to the report here: Maharlika’s News Performance Scores 16.9% Lower Than Other Sovereign Investment Funds was originally published on Capstone-Intel Corp.

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Reaction to the 2023 State of the Nation Address: on the GDP Growth Rate

In President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos’ State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 24, 2023, he asserted (to enthusiastic applause) that: “While the global prospects were bleak, our economy posted a 7.6% growth in 2022 – our highest growth rate in 46 years. For the first quarter of this year, our growth has registered at 6.4%. It remains within our target of 6% to 7% for 2023. We are still considered to be among the fastest-growing economies in the Asian region and in the world. It is a testament to our strong macroeconomic fundamentals.” Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) published May 11, 2023 do show a 1st Quarter 2023 growth rate in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 6.4% (i.e. compared to 1st Quarter of 2022). Historical data showed that the country had positive growth rates up until the fourth quarter of 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic caused an economic downturn with negative GDP growth rates from the 1st Quarter of 2020 until the 1st Quarter of 2021. The country started to recover by the 2nd Quarter of 2021, with each quarter posting a growth rate above 7% up until the last quarter of 2022. It should be noted that the GDP growth rates shown in the chart below (c/o PSA) is based on 2018 constant prices, i.e. the GDP used is the real GDP or inflation corrected GDP. When using GDP based on current prices, the 2023 1st quarter growth rate was higher at 13.7%. The president also noted that the GDP growth rate is within the government’s target of between 6 and 7%. Calculating the growth rates of GDP is very useful in terms of trends and forecasts. One might ask if the current GDP has already surpassed pre-pandemic levels. The table below shows the Philippines annual real GDP, based on 2018 prices as published by the PSA. The COVID-19 pandemic caused the real GDP to decrease in 2020, from PHP 19.37 Trillion down to PHP 17.54 Trillion. While the GDP started to recover in 2021, at PHP 18.54 Trillion it was still below the 2019 level. However, by 2022, the annual GDP had increased to PHP 19.94 Trillion, the highest GDP in the Philippines to date, and higher than the 2019 figure by 3%. In other words, the economy has already recovered from the effects of the pandemic and is now on pace for new highs. At current prices, the 2022 GDP is equivalent to PHP 22.02 Trillion. The 2022 GDP can be broken down as follows: 8.9% from Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, 29.7% from Industry, and 61.4% from Services. Comparing real GDP from 2021 to 2022, the Services sector had the biggest increase of 9.2%, while Industry increased by 6.5%. On the other hand, Agriculture had only a 0.5% increase. Within the Services sector, Accommodation and Food Services Activities had the largest increase at 32% compared to 2022, as restaurants and hotels recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic. This was followed by Other Services with a 28% increase, and Transportation and Storage with a 24% increase. Within the Industry Sector, Construction increased by 12%. President Marcos also mentioned that “In 2022, the digital economy contributed 2 Trillion Pesos, the equivalent of 9.4% of our GDP.” This was also based on data released by the PSA on April 25, 2023. In its bulletin, PSA showed that the digital economy, composed of digital transactions covering Digital-enabling infrastructure, Ecommerce, and Digital media/content, grew by 11% from PHP 1.87 Trillion in 2021. The digital economy employed 6.05 million people in 2022. In summary, President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos statement about the economy during the 2023 SONA or State of the Nation Address was purely based on fact. If he had more time, the President, could have highlighted that the Philippine economy is the best it has ever been, has recovered completely from the negative effects of the pandemic, and is projected by the World Bank to exceed PHP 24 Trillion in 2023. If the country continues to reach these targets, the State of the Nation would continue to be sound, at least with respect to the Philippine economy.   Dr. Guido David is the Chief Data Scientist of Capstone-Intel Corporation. Capstone-Intel is a high impact research company which uses innovative research technologies, tools and methods to convert data and information into breakthrough insights and actionable intelligence outputs. It is committed to help its clients solve problems, find solutions, grow markets and constituencies, build reputation, navigate risks, and manage crises; and to be the country’s leading private intelligence agency.   This story: Reaction to the 2023 State of the Nation Address: on the GDP Growth Rate was originally published on Capstone-Intel Corp.

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