Simple acts of kindness to try everyday

With all human beings, it’s safe to say that at their core are good. The world is full of uncertainty and scary things, so even the smallest and simplest act of kindness can significantly impact our lives.

Here are some ways to spread more kindness every day:

1. Send cards or letters

The traditional way as it is, but there’s something magical and romantic about giving and receiving letters.

There’s undeniably more care in a handwritten note than getting a text. You could write your other half a letter telling them how you feel that you can’t say upfront and everything you like most about them. Even little notes or cards will do to give someone a good mood after having a bad day. Letters are personal and tangible, which is precisely why they can mean so much to the recipient.

2. Ask someone how they are

There’s nothing wrong with asking someone how they are and the things around them. Take time to talk to people.

According to a Hack Spirit report, never underestimate the power of listening to someone’s problems. Allowing someone to feel heard is a simple yet powerful form of kindness. A simple act of kindness is asking someone how they are feeling.

3. Practice self-love

Being kind to yourself is one of the kindest things you can contribute to the world. As they say, kindness starts within you. Because the happier, healthier, and more content you feel, you pass that positive energy out to people around you.

Here are some ways to show more kindness to people:

○ Be mindful of negative self-talk.

○ Celebrate your successes and small wins.

○ Make time for self-care.

4. Pay it forward in little waysRemove featured image

Kindness is contagious, so paying forward in little ways is essential. Here are some ways you can try it:

○ Go out of your way to say “hi” and smile at the person next to you in the elevator or that you pass on the street.

○ Bring cookies into work for your colleagues.

○ Let someone in front of you in the queue at the check-out.

○ Treat the person in line behind you at the coffee shop to their drink.

○ Pay the bridge toll for the card behind as well.

5. Stop in on an elderly neighbor

You can stop by to chat with an elderly neighbor or homeless person and talk to them.

6. Give more time, not money

Offering your time or helping someone out is a powerful act that does not involve a penny. Not only does it show sincerity, but reaching out to someone alleviates loneliness and isolation. 

Remember that your time is a valuable way to show that you care. You can also offer your skills and efforts to a friend or family member. There are indeed so many ways to give back without spending money.

7. Take more self-responsibility

Taking more self-responsibility means holding our actions more to change the world positively. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world toward him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

8. Offer praise generously

Showing appreciation to people can boost their self-confidence and motivate them to do more. According to Harvard Business Review, “Gratitude makes people feel valued, and positive feedback has been shown to mitigate the negative effects of stress on employee performance.”

“Neuroscientists have even shown that the brain processes verbal affirmations similarly to financial rewards,” it said.

9. Take care of the planet

Aside from the people around us, our planet and environment need our kindness, too.

Hack Spirit enumerated a few ideas to show kindness to the planet:

○ Pick up litter at your local beach, park, or in your community.

○ Reduce your meat and seafood consumption.

○ Avoid fast fashion and try to shop more mindfully and sustainably.

○ Educate yourself on environmental issues.

○ Try to avoid disposable single-use objects like plastic bags and disposable coffee cups.



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