Five Self-Affirmations to Best Repeat Everyday

We all have those days feeling like we are not our best, days like we’re not ourselves, not in the mood to love ourselves, and you’re even at our lowest point in life.

Social media makes it more complicated, where we start comparing ourselves to other people’s lives and thoughts. And it’s OK, it’s pretty normal to feel that way, but we can’t let those negative thoughts eat us and control how we view ourselves daily.

Sometimes, saying affirmations, asserting them, and repeating them daily can magnify your self-confidence and self-love. Easier said than done, but as you keep doing it, you’ll feel good about yourself and influence people around you.

Check these five self-affirmations you have to repeat to yourself every day:

1. Happiness is a choice

It’s a classic saying that’s relevant up to this day. Being happy is actually everyone’s choice. It’s having the mindset of being happy that will make you happy. But to be genuinely happy, you have to be contented and proud of what you have achieved amidst all the challenges and complications in life. We may have our differences, but we have our common denominator of happiness, even in small things.

Being happy makes you glow and grow. We can be happy every day! A choice that we need to make all the time. Tell that to yourself.

2. It’s OK to not be OK. I allow myself to feel what I need to

Sometimes, it’s OK to admit you’re not OK if that’s how you feel. No pretensions. Just express your feelings. You don’t have to pretend that everything is on the right track all the time because we all have the freedom to feel sad, angry, upset, or emotional. If you’re sad, cry; if you’re upset, just breathe; if you’re angry, express it. Just feel the emotions and move forward. Allow yourself to feel the pain and gain learnings and confidence the next day.

3. I am proud of myself for getting this far. You made it! (pat on the back*)

You should be proud of yourself for getting through pain and life. Think and assess all the things you have accomplished and all the pains that you’ve overcome to get this faaaaaaaar.

No matter how far and hard you’ve gone through it, with God’s guidance and your loved ones’ support. Just be grateful and always look back to where you started, no matter how far and long the journey has been.

It’s not yet done, so continue to progress, pray, and prosper to achieve your goals in life. Keep soaring high!

1. I am allowed to say NO to others and say YES to myself.

It’s important to take in mind that it’s not our job to make everyone else around us happy all the time; instead, it’s also our job to make ourselves happy. It’s OK to say NO sometimes, especially when it involves sacrificing your mental health and saying YES to treating yourself for lunch, buying stuff you love, “me” time, and spa and skincare routines, among others. It’s OK to put yourself first ‘cause you genuinely deserve it.

Say NO to:
1. Red flags
2. Stress and frustrations
3. Negative vibes
4. Gaslighting

Say YES to:
1. Green flags
2. Peace and happiness
3. Loving yourself
4. Positive mindset
5. Respectful phrases

2. Mistakes are just part of my life, and they help me grow.

Making mistakes is a natural part of life. The mistakes we make allow us to grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves. Always remind yourself that we all make mistakes, and that’s OK as long as you use them to improve and grow, not to break someone else’s life.

We can beat negative thoughts when we shift to positive affirmations and feel good about ourselves and the people around us. It’s not easy to have a positive mindset every day, but having more positive messages in mind might be a big help to change everything. You have to start feeling good and do your best in everything. Surrender everything to Him, and He will guide the way.

These affirmations may not be perfectly applicable to all, but taking in mind the very essence of positive thoughts in shaping us is ultimately necessary to help us grow in our own ways. #



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