The Coolest Space Robots

R2-D2 and C-3PO are some of the more famous droids or robots in pop culture. And they seem like an odd couple. One looks like a human, and the other looks like, well, a trash can with wheels. But this is no coincidence. C-3P0 is a ‘protocol droid intended to assist in etiquette, customs, and translation’ and is capable of six million forms of communication. While R2-D2 is a utility robot speaking an alien language of beeps and clicks. Just like a mechanic. R2-D2 fixes X wings and hacks the security doors.  C-3P0 looks human because he interacts with humans while R2-D2 looks like a trash can because he interacts with non-humans like machines and the environment. 

These two droids represent two approaches to robot design: human-looking and weird non-human. This approach is used by NASA in designing robots for space. 

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Photo: Wikipedia

Robonaut is a joint project of DARPA and NASA whose goal is to produce human-like robots that  can substitute for human beings in space. The first models were  the R1 and R1B. Their upper half have arms and hands. The lower half can be fitted with various means of moving  like wheels or the zero g legs. More on that later.


Robonauts 2, also called R2, were sent to the International Space Station for testing. It was an upgrade from R1. It has more powerful processors, used telepresence and different levels of robotic autonomy. It has pressure sensors on his hands for touch. so it can use the same tools used by the astronauts. When working outside the ISS, it did not have a lower half. Later it was fitted with the zero g legs. The zero g legs work like spider legs which grasp the outside rail of the ISS enabling it to move faster in the vacuum of space.


Valkyrie or Robonaut 5 is a kind of superhero robot that will ‘ boldly go where no man has gone before’.It is designed to work in environments hostile to humans like the Moon or Mars.  For example,  Valkyrie will be sent ahead of humans to Mars to prepare the landing site for human dwelling.  It will build human habitation from the existing materials on site. After the human crew arrives on Mars, the Valkyries will repair and  conduct maintenance of human habitation. Valkyrie was designed to be modular like a PC. It can swap parts from each other. The parts can also be replaced or upgraded. 

Bee ready


NASA’s  Astrobee are free flying 12 inch cube  robots designed to work with but independently of astronauts. The ISS has three of these for testing and with cute names, Honey, Queen and Bumble. It replaced the previous spheres robots. With the zero gravity of space, the Astrobee can float around and use its fan to move around the ISS then dock itself to charging stations when needed.

Photo: Astrobee at the ISS

The Astrobee allows guest scientists on earth to conduct experiments on the ISS with little help from the astronauts. They can also do repetitive and boring ‘house chores’’, so the astronauts can focus on their work. Astrobee can do these with their excellent vision and grasping arm.  

In conclusion

The age of the machine has arrived. But instead of Terminators destroying the human race, these robots will help and reach the stars.



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