Debunking Myths and Misconceptions About Tarot Reading

Some people find tarot reading intimidating, weird, and scary, some say it’s interesting and helpful. Even if you’ve gotten a tarot reading before or wondering whether you want to learn from it and have some readings, it’s important to know the true essence of using this and getting to know oneself.

Back in the days, tarot readers were perceived as mysterious recluse old ladies reading in obscure locations. But now, we see tarot readers in malls, markets, shops, and even parties.

There are Tarot readers in Youtube and Tiktok, young and old, who have thousands of followers, breaking the stereotype. We have readers using different decks of cards offering free readings via Facebook group chats, Twitter spaces or Discord channels. We have tarot readers with different expertise— love, career, relationships, money, even fandoms or celebrities.

Known to be part of cartomancy, or fortune telling using cards, Tarot reading dates back as far as the 14th Century. However, with the advent of hard science and religion, the craft was belittled by many, but it still existed and thrived over time.

What could probably be the reasons why, despite societal opposition, the craft of Tarot reading still thrives now? Perhaps it has served its purpose of helping people achieve clarity and reach their full potential, or a safe space to go to, knowing that someone will listen and give pieces of advice and guidance.

Thus, let’s start debunking myths and misnomers about Tarot Reading.

1.   Tarot reading is the work of the devil.

This depends on your religion or doctrines you follow. No idea where this came from but biblically, any form of cartomancy or divination is considered a sin. For this, it depends on the individual to believe or not. However, it is also prudent to remind ourselves to be respectful of our different beliefs and discern whether or not this can be destructive or not for you.

2.   It foretells death, illnesses and other bad things.

Movies show tarot readers foretelling deaths or illnesses. You will hardly get those in a reading. Take note of this: Readers cannot foretell! Readers just guide and show clarity in your query or concerns. The better ones will coach you on how to achieve your goal. The purpose of readings is to give you clarity and guidance to reach your fullest potential at that point of your life and not to scare you.

3.   Only those gifted with intuition can read the tarot cards.

This is not true! Anyone can do this. It is good to get a professional reader as a mentor and practice with your friends. The cards are designed extensively, meanings will come visually and will  eventually relate to the queries that you have. The art here is connecting with the symbols and relating it with your life. In that way, you will develop a sense of connection to yourself, your friends, and your surroundings.

4.   There are magical rituals to receive a reading.

This ain’t true again. It is a common belief that you can only read on a certain day, or a certain hour. A professional reader or even a new reader can read anytime of the day. Except of course if they are not feeling or well, or not in a zone to read. Otherwise, there are no voodoo-ish rituals to do. Just a good connection, a quiet space, and a good intention.

Tarot reading is only one of the tools that you can use to gain a clearer understanding of yourself and your life. Every reading needs to create intention, hence, before a reading make sure you know what you want to know and what to achieve.




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